Setting up jekyll

Hello there!

I am very excited to start my site using Jekyll! I was going to use wordpress to develop and host my site. But just this morning, I read Andrej Karpathy’s post on switching from Wordpress to Jekyll and I was sold. True, the themes are very simple and minimalistic but as a developer that’s the kind of theme I was looking for! so here I am here with my first post on the installation of Jekyll. The installation steps are very simple but I did face certain challenges when I was installing, so this post is for those who decide to use Jekyll and face similar issues.

The steps I followed are originally from Jekyll site To start off

gem install jekyll

The issue you might face:
No write permissions

use sudo-
sudo gem install jekyll

Issue you might face:<br>
  ruby version required >=2.1.0 ( Mine was 2.0.0 )


        brew update ruby
        brew link ruby

Issue you might face:

Error: Could not symlink lib/pkgconfig/ruby-2.4.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig is not writable.


    sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

and then run the command “brew link ruby” Finally use

  sudo gem install jekyll

Once you are done with this, you can go to your github account, create a new repository called and commit the folder contents there. Then go to and add what you would like your site's about page to show. And then go to _config.yml and customize it according to your needs. Finally, you can goto _posts folder and create md files with name starting with the current date such as ''