Yes! You heard me! It does not!


This is how it works. Every time you try to multitask, you are doing what is known as context switching in the computer world! When you work on more than one action, you give a few seconds of your attention span to each of those actions. So you are not really multitasking. you are still focusing on one thing, but for a very limited amount of time.

This is not a desirable way for achieving high productivity simply because every time you lose focus, it takes several minutes to get back to the work that you were trying to do.

There have been numerous studies which show that for true productivity one should only do one thing at a time, focus on it like nothing exists on this planet, and then take a break.

A highly recommended technique I’ve read about over and over is the Pomodoro technique where you work for 25 minutes and then take a break for 5 minutes. This can also be doubled to 50–10 minutes. I am one distracted being, so I’ve noticed that every time I take a break it ends up being a 10 min one anyway, so I’ve been trying to tough it out and concentrate for 50 minutes on one task before switching to another.

So the next time you try to focus on more than one activity, try to set a later time for the other activities.